What’s wrong with my dog? My Dog Is Shaking and Acting Weird All of a Sudden! You may ask yourself.
Man’s best friend is a dog; they are there to provide company and enhance our mental well-being as they increase our physical activities.
So, we always want our pets to be healthy and comfortable. This is the very least that we can do as their caregivers.
Therefore, it can be frightening for any dog owner when their pet starts shaking suddenly and acting strange.
This could be due to many things, such as minor or serious problems. That’s what this article is about.
Some of these causes will be discussed here so that you can identify them and what treatment options are available. In addition, we will tell you when it becomes necessary to see a veterinary doctor.
My Dog Is Shaking and Acting Weird All of a Sudden?
Pet parents should understand the main cause behind their dogs’ abrupt shaking and actions to handle it better. Different factors could lead to such behavior, including:
- Cold can be a triggering factor – Similar to humans, dogs are susceptible to changes in temperature.
When exposed to cold environments, their bodies may react by shivering to generate heat and maintain their core temperature. This is particularly common in dogs with thinner fur coats.
What to do: Keep your dog warm; it’s that simple!
- Canine Distemper – It’s a virus that is highly contagious. It affects the dogs’ respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems. Symptoms often include;
- Shaking
- Fever
- Discharge from the eyes and nose
- Coughing
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- seizures in severe cases

Puppies and unvaccinated dogs have a high chance of getting distemper.
What to do: Prevention is better than cure through vaccinations, but early detection and supportive care would improve prognosis massively.
- Excitement and happiness— Dogs express their happiness by shaking, implying that it can be seen when they get too excited. Occasionally, happy dogs cannot even control their bladders.
For instance, a dog may shake violently for several minutes immediately after seeing its owner after a long separation.
What to do: This behavior normally does not cause harm or damage but ends once the initial excitement decreases. However, you should decrease your puppy’s exuberance whenever you notice them.
- Seizure Disorder – Several seizure disorders, like epilepsy, can make dogs shake suddenly or go into seizures. The attacks come in different forms with different severity levels or durations as caused by stress levels or metabolic imbalances.
What to do: You will need to take your four-legged friend through some examinations, including neurological exams, possible imaging studies, and blood tests.
- Extreme fear, anxiety, and stress – A couple of triggers, namely, loud noises like fireworks or thunderstorms and strange environments, can potentially result in high anxiety, extreme fear, and stress in dogs.
In these instances, the shaking is a physical response to psychological distress.
What to do: Identify the source of fear and create a calm and secure environment to help mitigate these responses. Professional training or consultation with a veterinarian may sometimes be necessary.
- Generalized Tremor Syndrome (GTS)—Also known as the white shaker dog syndrome, GTS is characterized by involuntary trembling or shaking.
This disorder mainly affects small breeds but may occur in any breed. It is uncertain what causes it; however, some believe there could be some inflammation within the brain.
What to do: Treatment usually involves corticosteroids to reduce swelling and control tremors. With proper management, most dogs with GTS lead normal lives.
- Pain— When a dog has been hurt, sickened, or suffers from chronic conditions like arthritis, it might shake in response to discomfort.
What to do: If you notice shaking or other symptoms, such as limping or crying, you should immediately take your dog to the vet.
Shaking in response to discomfort might occur when a dog is injured, ill, or suffering from chronic conditions like arthritis.
- Old age—As dogs age, they are likely to develop various health conditions, such as muscle weakness or neurological damage, which can lead to uncontrollable shaking.
Moreover, changes in behavior due to mental decline may happen among aged dogs. If you suddenly observe shaking and strange behavior and your dog is senior, you have the answer.
What to do: You can take your pet to a vet to ensure it is in good health and can manage any age-related conditions well.
- Poisoning – Toxicants such as trembling and acting strange can alter a dog’s character.
Additionally, some plant types, foodstuffs (e.g., chocolate or xylitol), chemicals, and drugs found in most homes may be poisonous to dogs.
The symptoms of poisoning may vary depending on the offending substance consumed but usually include vomiting, diarrhea, drooling, twitching, fits, and sluggishness.
What to do: When your pet has swallowed poisonous, visit a veterinarian for urgent treatment.
- Attention seeking – Some dogs learn that certain behaviors will make their owners happy. If they have previously received attention or comfort when shaking or acting strangely, they may repeat these actions intentionally to get similar responses.
What to do: You must discern genuine distress from learned behaviors and respond appropriately without reinforcing unwanted actions.
- Metabolic Issues – Metabolisms problems like hypoglycemia as well as Hypothyroidism may also cause shaking and strange activity in dogs.
Hypoglycemia is more common among small-breed puppies, with lethargy, weakness, confusion, and seizures being its presentation signs.
Typically affecting older animals, starting from middle-aged ones, Hypothyroidism could result in weight gain, hair loss, laziness, and also muscle weakness.
What to do: These conditions can be diagnosed through blood tests, while effective treatments such as diet adjustments or hormone replacement therapy can help alleviate symptoms fully.
When Should You Immediately Seek Veterinary Help?
It’s worrying if your dog suddenly begins shaking and behaving strangely. Not all such cases warrant an emergency veterinary care visit but there are certain tell-tale symptoms that a veterinarian would recommend immediate medical attention for.
For example, if your dog is
- Having seizures
- Difficult time in breathing,
- Vomiting diarrhea or
- Fails to move at all, it’s about time you rush them to vet care.
Moreover, suppose the shaking continues for a long time, or the dog seems extremely uncomfortable and painful. Then, better safe than sorry, so consult a veterinarian immediately.
Anyway, our pets cannot tell when something hurts like humans can. Hence, it would be wise of us to remain observant, especially in distress, to get the best help from professionals who know how animals react to pain.
Why is My Dog Shaking in Their Sleep?
Dogs can shake or twitch in their sleep, just like humans. This is often a sign of dreaming. Dogs, like humans, undergo rapid eye movement (REM) sleep during which they dream.
The brain becomes active at this stage; therefore, muscles may twitch or shake while dreaming. This occurrence is perfectly normal and should not elicit any worries.
However, suppose your dog’s tremors continue even while awake or display other abnormal behaviors. In that case, it is necessary to consult a vet as soon as possible so as not to miss an underlying medical condition.
Why Is My Dog Shaking His Head Frequently?
This could indicate something wrong with the ears, a problem that worries it. There are many reasons why dogs shake their heads continuously, and among them are:
- Dogs often shake their heads due to Ear infections. Other signs include redness, inflammation, swelling, discharge, a bad smell, or sensitivity when touching the ears.
- For example, food allergies, environmental factors, or certain environmental substances may lead to itching and shaking of the head.
- These tiny mites can cause itchy ears and shaking of the head.
- Because of pain or discomfort elsewhere in their bodies, such as the neck area or dental abscesses.
If your dog is still shaking and acting weird all of a sudden, stay calm and watchful. Unusual behavior like sudden shaking in dogs can result from numerous causes, such as psychological factors, environmental conditions, weather changes, and physical health issues.
By understanding these potential triggers, owners can recognize warning signs early enough and seek help properly caring for their four-legged friends.
Similarly, any recent change in routine activities, food consumed, or where they stay could give valuable hints about their conduct.